Sunday, June 22, 2014

Movies and Academic Essay-'IN TIME'-Argumentative Essay (Is Raymond really the Villain?)


According to the definition of the categories of character defines as the representation of a person in a narrative work of art in the movie. The example, of the categories of character are comedian character, protagonist character and sympathy character. Villain character is also one of the example categories of character in movie in ‘ In Time ‘ and we have choose Raymond as actor of the villain character. This character is about a villain character  has two bad characteristic.He is like cruel and selfish but he also has a good character . Raymond is portrayed as the bad person . He has a negative attitude but he also has a positive attitude in his life.
Raymond is a cruel person, and this is seen through his job and his portrayal as a thief. Raymond  kills Henry Hamilton when he (Harry) is sleeping. Besides that, Raymond is also a thief who steals time. He wants to live longer and become a rich man. So, he steal the other person’s time. So, this  movie, Raymond shows that he is cruel person.
Raymond is a selfish person who demands for time and power. Raymond is selfish because he steals Sylvia’s time when her car is involved in an accident. He does not want to share the time with his friends. Raymond is also selfish through the power. He uses his power for his own uses for example he uses the title as a “ time keeper “ to increase his power. So, Raymond is a portrayed as a selfish person in ‘In Time’ movie and he shows the attitude in different ways.
On the other hand, Raymond has a good attitude that is he is responsible that the audience surprise when he does his job  well and manages  his time. Raymond is responsible with his job because he is so addicted in his works that he must settle as a ‘time keeper’. He is also alert when a  person have made  mistakes like steal the other’s time in directly, he will catch the thief . In addition to that, Raymond is also responsible in his time management. He defines that time is very important because he manages his time properly to satisfy his needs. He  adds the extra time to live longer. Even though, Raymond is the villain character, he has the good attitude.

In a nutshell , this movie shows Raymond's unique character. In my opinion the bad and also the good attitude that we all have  are cannot be predicted. . Although the bad character in this movie shows the cruel and selfish attitude but at the same time, he is also a responsible person when it comes to  time and  work. So as a conclusion, don’t judge people by its cover, because even though Raymond is being shown as the bad character, but he also shows the good attitude that makes surprised.