Sunday, June 22, 2014


Causes of Jacob Betrayal Toward His Packs

 Jacob Black is  one of the main characters in ‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn’ . Jacob is Bella’s friend . He is a werewolf . In ‘Twilight’ , Jacob develops a crush on Bella even though he knows Bella is getting married . Jacob is willing to betray his packs to protect Bella from being killed and he is also capable of risking his life.
        Jacob betrays  his packs because of his powerful love for Bella and is willing to sacrifice his life by protecting Bella from his pack . He fights with his pack and gets his way when it comes to protecting Bella. He sacrifices his life and his position in his clan to protect Bella. Jacob is always there with Bella during Bella pregnancy until she gives birth . Jacob will make sure that Bella is always in good condition .Therefore , his powerful love for Bella makes him leave his packs to protect Bella .
          Jacob also feel humanity towards Edward’s family; when Edward’s family face the threat of werewolf, Jacob  helps them to run and he also saved the baby's life. He went all out to help Edward's family when they were being hunted.  Furthermore , when Jacob sees the baby he can feel that she is not dangerous . Because of that , he prevents his pack from killing the baby . Thus , a sense of humanity has caused Jacob to betray his packs .
        Finally, Jacob betrays his pack is because of responsibility as a friend and as a human . Jacob is Bella’s friend and he also love Bella . As a friend, Jacob need to protect Bella from being murdered . Besides that , as a human Jacob  feel that Bella has the right to live . He realises that Bella and her baby are innocent , so he is responsible to protect Bella from being murdered by his own pack . So , Jacob feels responsible to fight with his own pack when they still want to kill Bella .

           In conclusion , Jacob has many reasons why he betrays his packs . His powerful love for Bella forces him to leave  his pack . Jacob also has high humanity in himself . He cannot see Bella  suffer and feel sad.  . He feels responsibility to Bella and his family . These reason makes Jacob gets his own choice which forces him to betray  his packs