Sunday, June 22, 2014

Movies and Academic Essays 'IN TIME' Compare and Contrast Essay


Movies like ‘Around The World in 80 days’ and ‘Back to The Future’ tell about travelling from one time to another. Another movie,‘In Time’ also share the same theme. This movie is about the behaviour of people who depend on time for their survival. The movie portrays many interesting characteristic. Some characters are good while others are seen as bad. Although Will and Raymond can be alike, there also have different characteristics.
Will and Raymond are alike because both are brave and persistent. For example, Will’s bravery is shown when he fought  to save Henry Hamilton from being killed. Raymond’s braveryis shown when he had to arrest people despite obstacles.Will is persistent to safe the other people’s life although the keeper arrested him. Raymond is persistent to arrest Will Salas even though Will Salas is always escaping from him. So, Will and Raymond are shown to be alike in many ways throughout the movie.
On the other hand, Will Salas and Raymond are different when it comes to helping people, one iskind and the other is selfish. Will’skindness is shown when he protects his friend from being attacked.Will’s kindness is also shown by his willingness to give his time to save the life of others.In addition to that, Will is helpful because he saves Hendry Hamilton’s from being attacked.Raymond is selfish because he steal’s Silvia’s time. He stole the time when the car is involved in an accident and he does not want to share the time with his other friends. So ,Will and Raymond have  different characters in the movie .

In a nutshell, this movie shows the conflict of two different characters who can be alike in some ways and different in other ways too. In my opinion, this movie portrays different characters so that the audience are not to bored. Will Salas can give his time to others while Raymond can track the person who steals the others’ time. Although they have  different characters they are also alike in certain ways and that made audience  confused about the characters who are antagonist and protagonist. For example, when Will Salas is brave to safe Henry even  if he does not know who he is while Raymond is also brave to arrest the thief who stole time. The moral in this movie is even the person have negative attitude but they have positive attitude that we can learn and practice in our daily life.