Sunday, June 22, 2014

Movies in Academic Writing 'IN TIME' Persuasive Essay

There are many kinds of time travel movies that have been shown whether in cinemas , via internet or compact disk such as “12 Monkeys” , “Back To The Future”  and “Time Machine”. But may be quite different from “In Time” movie because it has their own attraction such as main actor, Justin Timberlake, the movie’s plot and the setting which are rarely made by almost directors.
            Firstly, Justin Timberlake is a famous singer and a new actor. Actually, he is a well known Hollywood singer who is already popular for  so many songs. Some examples are “Dead and gone, “What goes around comes around” and “Love”. Many admire his graceful voice. In this movie, he becomes the main actor. He has never had this type of character before and it  really makes his fans become excited to watch the movie.So, fans of Justin Timberlake will definitely watch this movie as they can see him as a singer and an actor.
            Secondly, the plot of the movie “In Time” is unique and interesting. This movie is unique because the characters do not use money. They use time to survive. They have to work for time and buy anything with time. No one has ever made a movie like this. In addition to that,  the plot is also interesting. This is because in this movie all the characters never look old; eventhough their ages are 200 years old. So people must watch this movie because the plot is very unique and interesting.
            Lastly, the setting for the movie is very attractive as  combine two different places such as Ghetto and Greenwich. Ghetto is a place for the people of lower incomes. It is a place for poor people. Ghetto is a place where Will and his mother live. This movie also shows the other place which is Greenwich. Greenwich is a high class country where rich people live. Only rich people the Slyvia’s family can live there. People will be attracted to this movie because this movie have two different settings which are the Ghetto and Greenwich.

            In a nutshell, to people may be persuaded to watch “In Time” movie because of the actor, Justin Timberlake, the plot and setting. Justin Timberlake who is a famous singer shows his acting talent. It is his first film since he has become an artist. Besides that, the plot in this movie shows how unique and interesting the  movie is. It is because the plot is something no one has ever imagined. Other than that, the setting in this movie happen in different places and shows different life styles. So this movie will attract people who watch it.

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