Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Conclusion

How to write the conclusion...

Why is it pointed at the top?
The first sentence must give the reader the impression of “can you remember the essay was about this?”(3,2,1)
The first sentence must give a feeling to the reader “Can you remember? The whole essay just now was about this…” This is the restatement of the thesis statement. It is encouraged to arrange the points in Main Idea 3, main Idea 2, Main Idea 1.
The shape of the triangle shows how the idea expands: from specific restatement of thesis statement to a general discussion of the topic.
For example, the first sentence is the restatement of the thesis statement.
2nd and 3rd sentence-recap main idea 3
4th and 5th sentence-recap main idea 2
6th and 7th sentence-recap main idea 1

Last sentence -a general opinion of the topic.