Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sample of Students' Essay


Internet is a major activity for information the modern life. Nowadays, many students use this medium for searching information about their assignments and general knowledge. There are some disadvantages of the internet which includes cyberbullying, obscene materials, and provocative news. However there are still some advantages that students can gain benefit from this modern technology. Students can express their feelings, keep in touch and entertain themselves.
The first advantage of social networking to students is it allows them to express feelings through photos and thoughts. According to Students Report (2013), students love to express their feelings by posting pictures of their new outfit or new friends. These sites usually give students a platform across the globe to express their feelings and views. Besides, according to Digitech(2012), students also like to share their thoughts through the social networking sites. They want to share their opinion about the general issues or current issues. Therefore, students may use the social networking to share their thoughts that can bring social change in society. Social networking can thus  be a medium for students to express their feelings.
The second advantage of social networking to students is that it eases communication between distant friends and relatives. According to Students Report(2013), it is a lot easier to keep in touch with family and friends through the social media. Social networking sites enable students to keep in touch with their friends without wasting a lot of time and money. According to Digitech(2012), social networking sites can help people find long-lost relatives. It is easier to reconnect with long-last relationships because a lot of people are connected to the internet by social networking. Social networking contributes a lot of advantages to students by easing communication across the internet.
Finally, social networking can entertain students through music, gaming and arts. According to Student Report(2013), students may show off their favourite song lyrics in their social networking account. For example, when students watch music videos that they like on youtube, they could share it on Facebook. Thus, it is easier for students who wants to share their interest towards music. Next, according to Digitech(2012, social networking is a great way to allow studentsto  participate  and enhance their games and arts skill through contest and events. For example, students who have ability in this part can show off their talents and passion to others.  In addition, they can meet friends who share the same interest. So, students can engage in hobbies involving music, games and arts through social media.
In conclusion, social networking has helped students get entertainment, communicate with other, and express themselves. Students can release their stresses of daily studies through social networking.  They also can fill up their leisure time by getting entertainment from social networking. Students can also save time and money by using social networking to communicate with one another. They can contact with one another and finish assignments faster and maybe even easier. Sometimes students can be also be shy to express their feelings openly to their friends. By using social networking, students can express their feelings using pictures or personal blogs and improve themselves along the way. Internet can be a useful tool or a weapon of destruction depending how students use it for.

Revised by AkmalFarhan Azhar


Students’ Report (2013)The Positives and Negatives of Using Social Networking Sites. News School Report .Retrieved from http://www.bbc.co.uk/schoolreport/22065333

Digital Tech.(2012) Social Networking Site;s –Facts, Advantages & Disadvantage. Digital Tech Inspirations .Retrieved from http://www.digitaltechinspiration.com/2012/09/social-networking-sites-facts.html

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